Ancient Forest is a captivating story-based on-chain game that revolves around resource gathering and base building. This is one of the first utilizations of ERC-6551 in an on-chain game and showcases how AWNS seamlessly integrates with a game to elevate the on-chain gaming experience.
Journey in the โAncient Forestโ
Ancient Forest was developed by a gaming expert in the STP DAO and builder community. This masterpiece brings a unique blend of asset gathering, competitive ranking, and the boundless creativity of autonomous world-building. This innovative game sets the stage for a thrilling experience where players can immerse themselves in a rich narrative while expanding their virtual realms.
Embark on a mysterious journey in Ancient Forest, where you find yourself in an enigmatic woodland with only a working fire to stoke at your disposal. The game's narrative unfolds through text-based storytelling and adaptive imagery, creating an exploratory experience akin to reading a captivating book. With minimal buttons to click, each interaction reveals a new layer of the story, painting the surroundings vividly responsive to your actions. Ancient Forest transcends traditional gaming, offering a unique blend of simplicity and depth, making every click a step into the unknown depths of this riveting adventure.
AWNS Integration
Connecting with your AWNS identity has never been easier! Utilize "Wallet Connect" to seamlessly link your AWNS account with the Ancient Forest game. As a token of appreciation, AWNS-connected accounts will receive a special startup bundle, providing you with a head start in your base-building adventures.
Excitingly, the integration extends to the leaderboard ranking. Your in-game avatar will mirror your custom AWNS avatar, creating a personalized touch to your gaming identity. What's more, the assets you gather within Ancient Forest will have visually stunning effects on your AWNS avatar. Stay tuned for upcoming releases that promise even more dynamic and visually engaging experiences!
Join us on this unique journey where AWNS and Ancient Forest converge to redefine the possibilities of on-chain gaming. Play the adventure, connect your AWNS identity, and witness the fusion of storytelling, resource gathering, and limitless world-building unfold before your eyes ๐๐ฒ